Just as you have a general practitioner (GP) for your family, you should also have a general dentist, whom you can rely on for emergency treatments as well as regular dental exams.

Here are a few frequently asked questions (FAQs) you may have regarding what your general dentist can do for you:

What are General Dentistry procedures?

Visual evaluations of teeth and gum health, teeth and gum X-rays, sleep apnea treatment, tooth sealants, and minor dental procedures such as cavity removal, root canals, dental crowns, and cleaning are the basic expectations from a general dentist. Furthermore, they may be required to perform or refer you to an experienced specialist for restorative procedures, maxillofacial surgery, laser treatments, etc.

Why visit the general dentist regularly?

Many people avoid going to the dentist regularly. They only come when there is a problem. This is a crisis treatment as opposed to preventive treatment. Patients may believe they are saving money.

Instead, they frequently end up spending far more in both dollars and time. Many dental problems do not manifest symptoms until the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. As an example, consider tooth decay. It is often painless until it reaches the tooth’s nerve. Patients often consult a dentist when they already have developed a massive cavity or cavities but have never felt any pain until then.

On the other hand, regular dental exams can allow a general dentist to detect a cavity 3 to 4 years before any symptoms appear. This early detection can prevent root canal treatment, which is complicated and costly.

Is flossing a must?

Several dentists recommend their patients floss once a day in addition to brushing twice a day. Flossing helps you reach those deep crevices of your mouth that a toothbrush might miss. Reaching more areas of the mouth will decrease your risk of cavities, tooth decay, plaque, and tartar build-up.

Are Dental X-rays Safe?

The dose of X-ray radiation received at your dentist’s office is usually very low. This makes dental x-rays extremely safe. Moreover, you will be under the supervision of experts during the process so you do not have to worry.

Are cavities reversible?

A cavity can usually be reversed if caught at the beginning or early stages of the demineralization process, which is the first step in tooth decay. At this stage, good oral hygiene is essential in order to restore the minerals in your teeth and prevent decay.

My teeth are fine. Do I still need to visit my general dentist?

Yes, it’s important to periodically visit your general dentist practitioner because your teeth may look and feel fine to you, but there are chances that an oral health issue is about to disturb your life. During routine appointments, your dentist will examine your mouth and diagnose such issues in their initial stages when they can be treated without undergoing extensive procedures.

In addition, they will recommend different effective precautionary methods that will improve your dental health and strengthen your teeth.

How to take care of your teeth between teeth examinations with your dentist?

While it’s imperative to visit your general dentist once every six for optimal oral health, taking care of your teeth between teeth examinations holds equal, if not more, importance. Here’s how you can do this:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day at least. Use a quality toothbrush and toothpaste for this purpose. Also, use the correct technique to brush your teeth.
  • Floss once daily. It will help remove leftover food particles in your mouth.
  • Change your brush after every 3 to 4 months or when it starts showing signs of wearing out.
  • Improve your diet. Choose foods that are good for your oral and overall health. This is why dentists recommend excluding starchy and sugary foods from the diet.
  • Many people neglect to do this, but brushing your teeth is quite important. It keeps the breath fresh and removes food particles.

What is the right age to take my child to the dentist for the first time?

Ensuring optimal oral health is as important for kids and infants as it is for adults. This is why it is essential that you schedule a visit with your general dentist as soon as your kid turns six months old, as per the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. This is the time when their baby teeth are coming out; therefore, visiting the dentist will help examine the health of their initial few teeth.

It’s important to continue with the routine of taking your kid to the dentist once every six months after their first appointment.

If you have not been to a dental office in a long time, then you should think about consulting a general dentist as soon as possible. Sue Vetter offers one of the best dental care in Seattle. We have highly professional general dentistry practitioners as well as specialists. If you have any questions about our general dentistry procedures, you are welcome to call or visit us. We will openly answer all your queries so you can receive the best care without any anxiety.










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(206) 547 4131


2101 North 34th Street Suite 170

Seattle, Washington 98103



TUESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

WEDNESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

THURSDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM


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