A dental crown is a very effective and popular dental treatment that can be used to protect a decaying tooth from further damage as well as restore a tooth that has been damaged in some way. Over the past decade, it has been recommended by various dentists and has become a common dental and cosmetic treatment.

Dental crowns have a lot of benefits that make them an ideal dental treatment but at the same time, there are various risks involved which show us that there are better treatments available out there. In this article, we will discuss some of these benefits and risks and weigh them up to determine if these crowns are an effective dental treatment or not;

Benefits of Dental Crowns:

The treatment provides an adequate solution to a wide range of dental problems. These caps can be used for several beneficial reasons.

Support a Damaged Tooth!

These caps are an effective way of protecting your chipped, damaged, or broken tooth from further damage. Additionally, they are also good for keeping a decaying tooth safe from further rotting.

Protect a Tooth After a Root Canal Procedure…

A root canal is an extremely complex procedure that is used to treat decayed or damaged teeth. After the dental procedure is successfully performed, the tooth has to be protected so that the nerves have proper time to heal up. These crowns work as a shield and protect your tooth from damage and keep them safe.

Improving the Appearance of a Tooth…

Dental crowns have become a common cosmetic dental treatment. They are being used merely as a way to cover up a decaying, discolored, or damaged tooth. These caps nowadays are being made using materials that give them a natural look and they are available in different colors. These factors make the crown an ideal way to improve the appearance of your teeth.

They Can Relieve Discomfort

Tooth crowns are often used in restorative dental treatments that repair teeth’ structural damage or enamel. When the underlying cause is treated with the help of another treatment, such as a root canal or filling, the dentist uses the crown to protect the remaining part of the tooth against further damage. It also helps to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Getting Dental Crowns is Simply

It is commonly believed that restorative dentistry procedures are intense, complicated, and painful. This, however, is merely a misconception, particularly when it comes to tooth crowns. Getting one is rather straightforward as the procedure happens to be minimally invasive.

The dentist has to prepare the tooth first. They do this by cleaning the enamel. Furthermore, damaged tissue is removed as well. Then, the impression of the tooth is taken and the cast is sent to the lab. Meanwhile, a temporary crown will be placed so that the patient can carry out their mouth functions without facing major hassles. Once the crown is ready, it is placed onto the impacted tooth in a painless manner.

Crowns Are Custom-made

Every person is different and so are their teeth. Therefore, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula when it comes to making a dental crown. This is why crowns are custom-made based on every patient’s individual teeth structure. This ensures it fits perfectly without causing any discomfort to the patient.

They are Durable

Getting a dental crown provides a long-lasting solution to oral health issues. With their enhanced ability to withstand the trauma of grinding, chewing, and biting food, they are made to last for a long time. Thus, once you have gotten a crown, you can rest assured they will serve you for decades.

Risks Involved with Crowns:

Conversely, there are a lot of risks that are associated with dental caps which make them an inferior dental treatment. These risks include;

Extreme Discomfort and Sensitivity!

Some patients experience extreme discomfort after the procedure is finished. These patients also suffer from sensitivity to hot or cold. These issues can be combated by using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth.

Crowns can get damaged…

Dental caps sometimes can get chipped or damaged especially if they are made using materials like porcelain. Small cracks and chips can be repaired without removing the crowns but large cracks may require complete replacement.

Loose Crowns

In case the cement from under the crown washes out, the crown may become loose. Moreover, it can give bacteria a pathway to leak in and the result could be tooth decay.

Crown Can Falls Off

Due to decay of the underlying tooth and loosening of the crown, it may eventually fall off, causing discomfort and pain. It’s important to clean it along with the front part of the tooth and get a replacement crown at your earliest.

They are expensive!

Crowns are expensive when compared with other treatments that are used for tooth damage. This cost can vary depending on the material of the crown and can cost somewhere between $800 to $1500.

These are the risks and benefits that are most commonly associated with dental crowns. So, if you are looking to get dental crowns installed here in Seattle it is important that you weigh all these factors so that you are able to make the best decision possible.










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2101 North 34th Street Suite 170

Seattle, Washington 98103



TUESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

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