Bone Grafting

Dental bone grafting is a treatment used to add extra bone to a portion of the jaw that has lost bone or that requires more support.

It is possible to surgically fuse bone from another part of the body to bone in the gums or jaw. The process occasionally utilizes synthetic bone.

When treatments, like dental implants, are required or when bone loss harms the health of the gums and surrounding teeth, dental grafting may be necessary.

We provide the best treatment for pulled teeth, including the grafting procedure, at our clinic. To acquire the best care available for you, consult with our clinic.

Dental Bone Grafting Process

Although there are various techniques for performing dental bone grafting, the primary mechanism remains the same: To transplant additional bone tissue to the jaw, a dentist or oral surgeon creates an incision in the jaw.

A dental bone graft is often performed on people with gum disease or who have lost one or more adult teeth. Any of these conditions can lead to jawbone tissue loss. For bone grafting, using your bone from the hip, tibia, or rear of the jaw is advised. The bone transplant makes room for your body to carry out the required repair work after it is in place.

The Benefits:

Repairs Bone Damage

The oral cavity’s bones can be restored with the use of bone grafting. It is particularly true for people who have gum disease and periodontal bone loss. As the bones that support the teeth start to deteriorate, the teeth become looser in the gums.

Cosmetic Alterations

A dental bone graft assists in cosmetically modifying some people’s facial abnormalities. Patients may be able to resume their regular lives and restore confidence in their looks owing to this procedure.

Maintain Dental Structures

In order to enable your oral cavity’s bones to support the dental implants, dental grafting strengthens them. Tooth bone grafts support the dental structures and implants and maintain dental health.

Improve Appliance Use

The bones in the oral cavity start to weaken quickly after losing adult teeth. Bone grafting is necessary for some devices, including dentures, dental implants, and other items, so that they have a sturdy surface for bonding.

Fix Sinus Problems

It is possible for the maxillary sinuses to occasionally collapse and become blocked when a person loses their upper back teeth. Because of the potential for damaging the sinus membrane, installing dental implants or other devices might be difficult.

Dental bone grafting assists in swiftly moving the sinuses to their proper location and enabling implant insertion.

How Much Time Does a Bone Graft Need to Heal?

After a bone graft, you’ll likely leave the dentist’s office with gauze covering the incision in your mouth.

You would receive instructions from the dentist on how to change the dressing over the following 24 hours, along with a prescription for antibiotics to help avoid infection. They may also provide a prescription for painkillers to you.

Although you’ll likely feel better in a week or two, full dental bone graft recovery can require three to nine months and perhaps longer. The kind of graft, the area of graft insertion, and your body’s ability to repair all affect how long it takes to recover.

Bone Grafting at Sue Vetter

Dental bone grafting is one of the many quality dental procedures we provide at our clinic. Because of our staff’s positive outlook and support, every single one of our patients receives the highest quality dental care.

Call us on your phone or visit our office to make an appointment.










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Seattle, Washington 98103



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