No matter how expensive a dress you are wearing or how physically developed you are, stained or dirty teeth will ruin your whole personality. You need to keep them clean and white to make you look more beautiful. Teeth bleaching is a common term that is used for whitening your teeth.

You can adopt several methods for teeth whitening at home. Some of them are really effective. Today we will tell you some most effective teeth whitening methods to bleach your teeth at home. Let’s begin exploring them one by one.

Brush Using Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

This is one of the most efficient DIY teeth whitening methods. You just have to make a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in a small bowl and then use it as toothpaste. Baking soda is known for its ability to remove stains. Its mildly abrasive nature makes it an important teeth whitening component.

You can understand the role of baking soda in teeth whitening by the fact that almost every toothpaste advertisement highlights it as a major component of toothpaste. On the other hand, Hydrogen Peroxide is a common bleaching agent that can remove any type of stain. A combination of baking soda and Hydrogen Peroxide will give you some amazing results.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is one of the advanced dental tips for teeth whitening. Many of you may not be aware of this method. You have to use edible oil preferably coconut, love, or olive oil for this method. Take one tablespoon of oil and fill it in your mouth. Then you have to swish it in your mouth for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

After splashing for 20 minutes, spit it out and rinse your mouth with water. Oil will keep your teeth clean and whiten them. It also moisturizes them and avoids sticking stains and bacteria to your teeth.

Changing Diet

A good diet is one of the key methods when it comes to whiten teeth at home. Your teeth will remain white if you simply brush and floss them and provide them with essential minerals. Your teeth contain several minerals such as calcium. You have to provide these minerals to your teeth via your diet. Changing your unhealthy diet to a healthy one will help to whiten your teeth.

Prevent Your Teeth From Staining

The easiest teeth yellowing solution is to not get any stain or yellowish color. For that purpose, you need to adopt some preventive measures. Avoiding dark-colored drinks will do a great favor. Similarly, avoid taking a lot of sweet things as they attract bacteria. Regular flossing and brushing will also help to prevent your teeth from being yellowish.

Home Remedies

Home remedies and dental health have a very long relationship. Various home tips will help you to whiten your teeth. Let’s have a look at some effective remedies.

  • Rubbing your teeth with the peel of a banana or orange will do an excellent job. Their peels have some nutrients and abrasive nature. This property allows them to remove any stain from your teeth within a few days.
  • Using lemon as a brush will help you a lot. The citric acid present in it is good for your teeth. When you scrap it on your teeth, it will remove any type of stains, debris material, and even attached bacteria.

Bottom Line

Now you don’t have to hide your teeth due to their yellowish color or stains as you know how to whiten teeth at home. Apply these methods and get excellent results to make your smile more beautiful.










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