Visiting your dentist — twice a year in addition to when you have some urgent oral health issue —should be part of your overall health routine. This not only maintains your teeth and gums in top condition but helps identify dental problems in a timely fashion as well. However, having a proper dental routine at home is equally significant. This includes following the basics of teeth cleaning in between your dentist visits.

Why Learn the Basics of Teeth Cleaning at Home?

A professional dental cleaning will make your teeth appear bright and white. After some time, however, your will notice them becoming dull and yellow. The reason is plaque, which is a filmy material composed of bacteria and is responsible for the yellowish hue. Plaque can build up on your teeth both above and below the gum line. Not only does it look unappealing, but it can also cause harm to your teeth and gums if it is not removed.

Plaque bacteria produce acid by feasting on the carbohydrates in your diet — leading to damaged teeth and cavities. The bacteria also produce toxins that might irritate your gums and contribute to gum disease.

Furthermore, the teeth will develop tartar when the plaque mixes with minerals in your saliva. Tarter is a hard deposit, which is also called calculus by dentists. Like plaque, it can form above and below the gum line. Tartar also serves as a breeding environment for plaque bacteria, helping them to grow fast.

How to Manage Teeth Cleaning at Home:

Here are a few basics of dental cleaning you can easily manage at home:

Brushing & Flossing

As simple as these two techniques sound, they are vital for long-term oral health. If you brush twice a day with proper care, then you are already halfway through your teeth cleaning routine.

Having said that, it’s important that you brush using the right technique. Never rush the process. Give it some time and make sure each tooth is properly cleaned. Furthermore, don’t forget your tongue. It can become a source of passing bacteria to other parts of your body if not cleaned properly.

Another important thing you need to know is that you must change your brush every three to four, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Not doing this will result in bristles becoming worn out. Therefore, brushing won’t be as effective as it should be. Resultantly, you will be more prone to suffering from oral health issues. If your toothbrush starts to show signs of wearing out earlier than three months, there’s no harm in changing it.

Speaking of brushing, you must choose your toothpaste wisely as well. Ideally, it should contain fluoride. Having said that, your dentist will be in a better position to guide you on which toothpaste you should choose.

The next important part is flossing. However, many people find flossing a tedious job; thus, they end up skipping it altogether. Nevertheless, you should floss once a day every day. For convenience, you can skip the floss thread and go for more innovative flossing tools available in the market these days. You can also consult your dentist about choosing the right brush and flossing tool.

Oil Pulling Method

Swishing oil in your mouth may help to strengthen your teeth, prevent tooth decay, soothe sore gums, and eliminate plaque. You can use coconut or olive oil for this purpose.

Swish a spoonful of your chosen oil in your mouth for 20 to 30 minutes. You can consult your dentist about whether this method is right for you, what oil to use, and how to do it properly.

Additional Tips:

For adopting healthy teeth cleaning habits at home, ask your dentist to suggest you a good mouthwash. You can also learn about the right method and amount of time for brushing. This will ensure that you reach even the deepest crevices of your mouth that are at risk of plaque and tartar build-up if missed.

Make a point to visit your dentist every six months. This will not only help in keeping your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful, but you will also be at a reduced risk of suffering from serious oral health conditions since your dentist will be able to detect or diagnose such issues in the very early stages where they can be treated without undergoing extensive treatments.

Pay importance to your diet. What you eat impacts your oral health, overall health, and fitness. Therefore, you should be careful in selecting foods that are included in your diet. Avoid sugary foods. Reduce smoking and drinking if you cannot quit these habits altogether. And eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Visit Sue Vetter’s Dental Cleaning Specialist in Seattle

Do not forget to schedule your dental cleaning appointment with us. Our smile experts will help you identify what type of professional dental cleaning you need, and how often you should get the treatment depending on your oral health status, and answer all related queries. They will also guide you on how to manage a good teeth-cleaning routine at home.










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Seattle, Washington 98103



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THURSDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM


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