Tooth ExtractionsDental Services in Seattle

Tooth extractions, informally referred to as teeth pulling, are the removal of the teeth from their sockets in the bone. Many people are fearful of this procedure, but teeth extractions are counted under relatively standard dental treatments.

A dentist can recommend a treatment for multiple reasons, but usually for teeth that cannot be restored due to tooth decay, dental trauma, or periodontal disease, especially if the patient is suffering from a toothache because of these conditions.

When are Tooth Extractions Recommended?

Here are some of the dental situations for which your dentist is likely to recommend the treatment:

  • Teeth in which decay and infection has reached deep
  • Trauma and injury to teeth
  • Baby teeth not falling out in time to make room for permanent teeth
  • Wisdom tooth extractions, if the wisdom teeth (third molars) are impacting neighbouring teeth or causing crowding of teeth
  • During orthodontic treatment, when space is required for teeth that are moving into place
  • The mouth does not have enough space for all the teeth

Types and Process of Tooth Extractions

A dentist can perform the following types of treatment

Simple Extraction:

It is the removal of the tooth that is visible in the mouth. The dentist will numb the tooth and gum tissue. An instrument called an elevator is used for loosening the tooth. The dentist then removes it with dental forceps.

Surgical Extraction:

It is a complex process for a tooth broken at the gum line or that has not come into the mouth yet. The dentist will make a small incision into the gum and then proceed to remove the tooth.

Preparation for Extractions

The dentist will take dental x-rays before scheduling your tooth extraction. You will have to tell the dentist about your medical and dental history, any existing medical conditions, and medicines or supplements you may be taking.

If you are scheduled for the treatment of another medical condition with an intravenous drug called bisphosphonate, then the dentist will perform the extraction before this treatment. Otherwise, your jaw could be at risk of bone death (osteonecrosis).

Your dentist will also provide you with other instructions to fully prepare for the day of your procedure. You can also delay the procedure if you have a cold when you come in for the extraction, or you experience nausea or vomiting the night before.

In the latter case, the dentist is likely to choose different anaesthesia or reschedule entirely. If you are to receive general anaesthesia, then you should have someone for driving you back home.

Sue Vetter’s dental services in Seattle cover affordable tooth extractions as well. Our dental professionals and staff will provide a thorough dental check-up, fully prepare you for the treatment, perform a quality-assured procedure, and give you the required aftercare instructions. You can trust our services for comfort, hygiene, and success if you are seeking a tooth extraction in Seattle.










Schedule your Appointment

(206) 547 4131


2101 North 34th Street Suite 170

Seattle, Washington 98103



TUESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

WEDNESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

THURSDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM


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