Gum disorders, ranging from mild gingivitis to more severe conditions like periodontitis and gum recession, require prompt and effective treatment to preserve oral health. In this article, we will explore six primary treatments for gum disorders, highlighting their role in alleviating symptoms, managing the conditions, and maintaining healthy gums.

1. Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a fundamental treatment for gum disorders, particularly for gingivitis and periodontitis. This deep cleaning procedure is performed by a dentist or periodontist to remove plaque and tartar buildup both above and below the gumline. Scaling eliminates the source of infection, while root planing smoothes the tooth roots, making it more challenging for bacteria to adhere and thrive. This treatment helps reduce gum inflammation and allows the gums to reattach to the teeth.

2. Antibacterial Medications

In some cases, antibiotics or antimicrobial medications may be prescribed to manage gum disorders. These medications can help control bacterial growth, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. Antibiotics may be prescribed as oral medications, topical gels, or as part of a controlled-release system placed directly in gum pockets during scaling and root planing.

3. Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is a surgical procedure often used to treat gum recession. During the procedure, a periodontist takes tissue from another part of the mouth, typically the palate, and grafts it onto the receding gums. This helps cover exposed tooth roots, reduces sensitivity, and prevents further gum recession. Gum grafting can improve both the appearance and function of the gums.

4. Pocket Reduction Surgery

For individuals with advanced periodontitis, pocket reduction surgery may be necessary. This procedure involves lifting the gums to access and thoroughly clean the deep gum pockets. The goal is to eliminate bacteria and reduce pocket depth, which allows for better gum health and attachment to the teeth. Pocket reduction surgery is often performed by a periodontist.

5. Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is an advanced treatment option for certain gum disorders. It involves using laser technology to remove infected gum tissue, eliminate bacteria, and promote gum healing. Laser therapy is less invasive and typically results in less discomfort and faster recovery compared to traditional surgical methods. It can be used for various gum treatments, including gum disease management and gum reshaping.

6. Ongoing Periodontal Maintenance

After undergoing treatment for gum disorders, it is crucial to establish a routine periodontal maintenance plan. This typically involves regular dental check-ups and cleanings, often scheduled every three to four months. During these appointments, your dentist or periodontist will monitor the health of your gums, perform professional cleanings, and provide guidance on maintaining good oral hygiene practices at home.


Effective treatments for gum disorders are essential to maintaining healthy gums and preserving overall oral health. Scaling and root planing, antibacterial medications, gum grafting, pocket reduction surgery, laser therapy, and ongoing periodontal maintenance play pivotal roles in managing various gum conditions. Prompt recognition of gum disorder symptoms and early intervention are key to successful treatment outcomes. If you are in Seattle and suspect you have a gum disorder or are experiencing symptoms such as gum inflammation, recession, or discomfort, consult with a dentist or periodontist for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized gum disease treatment in Seattle WA. With proper care and treatment, gum disorders can be managed, allowing you to maintain healthy and functional gums for years to come.