Selecting the Perfect Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a versatile and common restorative dental solution, used to repair and protect damaged or weakened teeth. With various types of crowns available, choosing the right one for your specific needs can be crucial. In this article, we will provide you with tips to help you make an informed decision when selecting dental crowns.

1. Understand the Types of Dental Crowns

To choose the right dental crown, it’s essential to understand the different types available:

   – Porcelain Crowns: These crowns provide a natural appearance and are an excellent choice for front teeth. They are color-matched to your natural teeth, making them virtually indistinguishable.

   – Metal Crowns: Metal crowns, often made of alloys like gold or silver, are durable and long-lasting. They are typically used for back teeth and offer excellent strength.

   – Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns: PFM crowns combine the natural appearance of porcelain with the durability of metal. They are suitable for both front and back teeth.

   – All-Ceramic Crowns: These crowns are entirely made of ceramic material, providing an excellent aesthetic match to your natural teeth. They are a preferred choice for visible front teeth.

2. Consider Aesthetics

The choice of dental crown should consider aesthetics, especially for visible front teeth. Porcelain and all-ceramic crowns offer the most natural appearance, as they can be color-matched to your surrounding teeth. Discuss your aesthetic preferences with your dentist to ensure the crown’s appearance blends seamlessly with your smile.

3. Assess Durability and Strength

The strength and durability of dental crowns are essential, especially for teeth that endure significant chewing forces. Metal and PFM crowns are known for their strength and longevity, making them suitable for molars and other back teeth. Porcelain and all-ceramic crowns are durable but may be more prone to chipping or fracture than metal options.

4. Discuss Allergic Reactions

If you have allergies or sensitivities to certain materials, such as nickel in metal crowns, it’s crucial to discuss this with your dentist. They can recommend alternative materials to ensure you don’t experience any adverse reactions.

5. Evaluate Cost and Insurance Coverage

The cost of dental crowns can vary based on the type of material used and your location. It’s essential to discuss pricing and potential insurance coverage with your dentist or dental insurance provider. Understanding the financial aspects can help you make an informed decision.

6. Listen to Your Dentist’s Recommendation

Your dentist’s expertise is invaluable when selecting dental crowns in Seattle WA or any other region. They will assess your specific dental needs, including the tooth’s location, condition, and your overall oral health. Based on their evaluation, they will recommend the most suitable type of crown for your case.


Selecting the right dental crown involves understanding the various types available, considering aesthetics, assessing durability and strength, discussing potential allergies, evaluating costs and insurance coverage, and ultimately listening to your dentist’s recommendation. By taking these factors into account and collaborating closely with your dental professional, you can ensure that your chosen dental crown meets your dental needs and provides a lasting solution to restore your smile’s functionality and appearance.