Basic dental cleaning does start at home. We have all been advised to brush our teeth twice daily. Most of us do follow that advice. However, we have busy lifestyles and do not pay heed to brush thoroughly for a fixed period. Moreover, we often choose inadequate brushes, which fail to reach the deep crevices of our mouth. This is why it is important to have professional teeth cleaning.

You have to pay the cost of dental cleaning but you will save money in the long term by preventing more serious oral health issues requiring complicated solutions. Inadequate oral hygiene has been associated with several dangerous ailments.

Medical and dental complications can include bone loss, cardiovascular disease, strokes, and even cancer. While brushing and flossing at home do help, professional teeth cleaning procedures ensure good oral health.

Regular dental cleaning appointments with your hygienist can provide the following seven benefits:

A Healthier Smile

We all have certain favorite foods and beverages. Unfortunately, many of these can discolor your teeth. While there are many home remedies to remove stains from teeth, none is as effective as getting professional teeth cleaning services.

It can help remove accumulated stains, resulting in highly polished teeth. So, to put it simply, there is no better method to quickly improve the appearance of your smile than this. Furthermore, a healthier, brighter smile can boost your confidence as well.

Reduced Risk of Cavities & Tooth Loss

Tooth decay is caused by plaque build-up on your teeth. The decay erodes your tooth enamel, which leads to cavities. Periodic professional teeth cleaning, in conjunction with everyday brushing and flossing, will help in the prevention of cavities.

Furthermore, when plaque accumulates on your teeth or cavities remain untreated, these cause your teeth and gum line to loosen. Eventually, you may develop gum disease, which is the most common cause of tooth loss. Practicing good oral hygiene at home, along with scheduling regular visits to the dentist for teeth cleaning can prevent tooth loss.

Fresher Breath

Nobody likes bad breath. You may be using mouthwashes for additional hygiene to tackle this problem. However, if your teeth are due for some more thorough cleaning at the dentist because of plaque or tartar build-up, then a mouthwash will not work.

A professional dental cleaning treatment will result in a healthier mouth and fresher breath.

Reduced Risk of Other Ailments

It may not be apparent but there is a link between your overall and oral health. Keeping your teeth clean reduces the risk of developing conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Dentists may discover several medical issues during a regularly scheduled dental cleaning appointment and provide timely care.

Early Cancer Detection

Well-maintained oral hygiene, which includes basics like brushing and flossing, along with regular dental visits, can prevent oral cancer.

On the other hand, if you have scheduled and attended appointments as recommended by your dentist, they will be able to identify any suspicious areas in your mouth and send you for further evaluation. This can help with the early detection of cancer.

It Can Help You Save Time & Money

It’s already established that regular teeth cleaning will improve your oral and overall health. However, not many realize it can help to save your time and money as well. Wondering how? When you clean your teeth regularly and get professional dental services for the same, there’s a reduced risk of suffering from oral health diseases. Consequently, you won’t have to spend time and money on getting different oral health issues.

It Will Help Treat Your Dental Phobia

It’s not uncommon to have a fear of visiting a dentist. In fact, some people have an extreme level of dental phobia that prevents them to get any sort of dental treatment. Resultantly, they suffer from painful oral health issues.

If you, too, suffer from this kind of issue, getting a dental cleaning appointment may help to alleviate the issue and reduce your phobia. This is due to the fact that dental cleaning tends to be a non-invasive and virtually painless procedure. After multiple visits, you will be able to get over the nervousness and ‘fear’ of visiting the dentist. This newfound confidence can also come in handy if you ever need to undergo a more extensive procedure, such as root canal therapy or dental implants.

This, however, depends majorly on your dentist as well. If they are compassionate, empathic, and know how to treat their patients, you will eventually get rid of your dental phobia. At Sue Vetter, we treat every patient with care and kindness. Our dentists and staff go above and beyond the conventional standards to ensure each of our patients gets the best experience and their dental phobia is lessened.

Sue Vetter Dental Cleaning Specialist in Seattle

We are offering a comprehensive range of dental services to help you maintain healthy teeth. If you have not been to a dentist for teeth cleaning in a long time, book your appointment with us today. We will also guide you on how often you need to get the cleaning treatment so you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle.










Schedule your Appointment

(206) 547 4131


2101 North 34th Street Suite 170

Seattle, Washington 98103



TUESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

WEDNESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

THURSDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM


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