Your newborn’s first year of life is quite active. Teething is one of the most noteworthy changes. Your infant will feel new feelings and distress as each tooth develops.

Do you know if your child grinds their teeth? Most of the time, this action is just basic exploring. However, if it occurs frequently, your child may suffer from bruxism, a disorder in which they frequently grind their teeth.

Let’s learn more about baby teeth grinding, its causes, and how to stop it.


You may frequently grind your teeth if you have bruxism, a medical condition. It affects infants, children, and adults. It is referred to as sleep bruxism when it occurs at night. The good thing is that the majority of cases are minor and don’t call for medical attention.

Bruxism symptoms include:

  •       Jaw clenching or teeth grinding
  •       Fairly audible grinding
  •       Worn-down or damaged teeth
  •       Jaw discomfort or pain
  •       Headache or ear pain near the temples

It can be challenging to understand what’s happening when a baby can’t vocally express what’s hurting them. However, even if it’s unpleasant to hear your toddler grinding teeth, your kid is probably fine.

Why do Babies Grind Their Teeth?

Your youngster may develop his first tooth by the starting four months after birth. After 7 months, many infants will have their first tooth. They’ll have more of them at the end of the first year, which is when you might start to hear grinding.

Approximately one in three people experience bruxism. Adults’ causes may include personality traits, stress or rage, or even access to certain stimulants like caffeine or tobacco. Sometimes there is no known cause.

Age is another factor. Teething babies could clench or grind their teeth. The practice of bruxism is also rather common in younger children. It typically disappears by the time a kid becomes a teenager.

Preventing Baby from Grinding Teeth

Although teething isn’t necessarily associated with bruxism, the two can coexist during a baby’s first year.

Try giving your infant a teething toy to chew on if you observe him grinding his teeth. You can experiment with a variety of types to determine which is most effective.

  •       Teethers made of natural rubber are cozy and plush. They don’t contain bisphenol A or phthalates (BPA).
  •       Ice teethers contain a small amount of liquid that is chilled. When teeth protrude through the gums, the coolness can relieve pain.
  •       The teethers made of wood are gentle and chemical-free. They have inherent antibacterial properties.
  •       When you’re out and about, silicone teething necklaces are fantastic. They permit your infant to chew whenever they have the urge, hands-free.

There are numerous types of homemade teething toys. Try soaking a washcloth most of the way before folding it into quarters. After a brief period of chilling, let your child hold it by the dry quarter. They should feel comfortable from the cold and stiffness.

Stress can also result in bruxism, especially in older kids. Try to address such concerns immediately if you think your child’s teeth grinding has anything to do with anxieties or stress. A relaxing sleep routine might aid in preventing nighttime grinding.

Consult your dentist if your child grinds their teeth throughout childhood, experiences discomfort, or has any other issues. To protect your child’s teeth from long-term harm, there are special children’s mouthguards that may fit their teeth.


You could find it upsetting to hear your baby’s teeth grinding or to picture it in your head. But remember that it’s most likely a short-term issue that will resolve itself.

Schedule a dentist appointment if you are still concerned about your child’s teeth. When a baby’s first tooth develops, or at the very least by the time they are one year old, they should schedule their first dental appointment. By attending your child’s routine appointments, you can protect their teeth.










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